Friday, June 8, 2012

0 Balance Transfer Credit Card for 18 Months

There are some offers on 0 balance transfer credit card. Some of them are credit cards with long period and others are short period. The long period is 15 months and 18 months. Short period is less than that, like 6 months or 12 months.

The offer of 0 balance transfer is very important for you who have substantial balance. With credit card 0 balance transfer, you do not bear interest for the payment of the balance of your bill. You just pay the bills after the outstanding principal debt you move to a new card.

Without paying interest, you will save a lot of money. For example you have a balance of $ 2,000 at 18% per year. With new card, you can save $ 180.

You can use that money for other purposes such as increasing the monthly bill payments so you can pay off the entire balance of debt faster.

 Some 0 Balance Transfer Credit Card for 18 Months

A 0 balance transfer credit card is just for you with a substantial balance. For you who always pay the bills in full every month do not need this card. It is only for those who have a large credit debt.

If your balance is very large, you need to choose a credit card with a long period, ie 15 months or 18 months. With a long period, you will have a great opportunity to pay off your entire balance.

Many credit cards offer a long period. For a period of 18 months, some Citi cards to choose from such as Citi Simplicity, Citi Dividend or Discover More. But the cards with the period of 18 months do not provide rewards like cash back or bonus. This card is provided for those who want to focus on paying off the balance.

Meanwhile, the credit card for 15 months period to provide some rewards, such as the $ 100 cash back, 5% cash back for shopping, etc. But the period is shorter. Which one you choose, you need to adjust to your needs and your financial condition.

If your balance is very substantial, select the period of 18 months. You should only use this card to pay off debt, not for shopping. Therefore, the expenditure will only add new debt. It will be the burden of payment of your bill.

Of course the more important to you is to always pay bills on time. Never too late, although only one time. The result will be very bad for you. You should use automatic bill pay service. Bank will cut your savings to pay the bills are due. You do not have to worry about paying bills late.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

How to Get the Best Balance Transfer Credit Card

There are two categories for the best balance transfer credit card. The first is seen from a long period of credit card. The second is seen from the rewards that you can get. Which credit card do you choose, it depends on your needs and your financial condition.

The best balance transfer credit card is important for those who always carry balances from month to month in large amount. By this credit card, you do not have to pay interest. You only pay the principal outstanding bills, so you can save a lots of money. It can be hundreds or even thousands of dollars for one year.

But to choose the best balance transfer credit card for you, you need to research and compare them. The goal is that you really can get the maximum benefits.

 Choose Credit Card for 15 Months or 18 Months

If you carry a balance is very large, of course you need a credit card with a long period. For example, a card for 15 months or 18 months. With a long period, you can have a great chance to pay off your debt.
But you should make a debt payment plan from month to month. For example, how many times you will pay the bills, How much money will you pay each month, and so on.

The debt payment plan should you run so well that you aim to pay off the entire debt could be achieved. This is important because it determines your financial future.

If your balance is lower, you can choose a card for 15 months or shorter period than that. Why? Credit cards with shorter periods usually offer rewards like cash back or bonus. Meanwhile, the credit card with  long period as 18 months don't provides the reward.

Thus, the shorter period of credit cards is more suitable for you with a balance that is not too large. The important thing is you should make sure to pay off the entire balance before the free balance periode expired. Because after the period of 0 interest on balance transfers is over, you will be charged higher interest.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Best Cash Back Credit Card to Collect Extra Money

There are credit card holders can get the most benefits from credit card cash back or reward. There are even people who retired early because of the income earned from collecting extra money from the cash back and reward credit cards.

Is this really interesting? Yes, this is very interesting to put into practice. Many people got success using the best reward credit cards to make extra money. The important thing is you need to choose the best reward credit card and use the card properly. The main objective is the collection of extra money for the future.

 How to Choose the Best Cash Back Credit Card

How to choose the best reward credit cards? Of course, the choice should be tailored to your needs. For example you have never or rarely make the flight. But you choose this card because airlines want to get the reward points or miles. This is a waste act.

First: amount of either cash or rewards are considerable. Many credit cards offer cash back and reward big enough. For example cash back sign up. There are credit cards offering cash back $100 when you spend $500. Or 30,000 points of best airline credit card that can be redeemed for $5,000.

Second: easy redemption. If the reward offered in the form of cash but not the points, then it should be easy penguangnnya. Straightforward so that gifts can be enjoyed by customers.

Third: no expiration date. Cash back or reward can be taken at any time. There is no expiration. This is an excellent reward.
Fourth: credit statement. This reward also includes very good. These rewards are generally easy to be cashed so many people love this reward offer.

Fifth: interest rate is not high. If the credit card offers substantial rewards but has high interest, it is less meaningful gift. The money you earn from some rewards, then you use to pay the rewards. You shoud choose the low credit card interest rate.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

How to Maximize Using of 0 Balance Transfer

The offer to transfer balances to 0% interest credit card is very interesting and glad to be welcomed. Especially if you now have substantial balances with high interest. Transfering balance to interest free credit card will reduce the burden of bill payment.

You can save hundreds, even thousands of dollars a year. It depends on the amount of your balance and the amount of interest you pay.

But before you apply for 0% APR credit card, you need to select the most profitable cards. The goal is that you can maximize the use of interest free credit card so you really can achieve most benefits. For example you want to pay off all or part of your outstanding balance.

Factors You Should Consider to 0 Balance Transfer

There are several factors you should consider when choosing a credit card where you want to apply for. For example, about the period of 0% interest card, transfer fee, annual fee, interest rate after the 0% interest period is complete, and so on.

Long period of the card: The highest bid of interest free credit card now is for 18 months. There are 15 months, 12 months, and so on. If your balance is substantial, you should choose a card for 15 months or 18 months. With the period, you have the time to pay off your balance. Because of the large balances, repayment of course take longer.

Transfer Costs: How much should you pay transfer? All banks charge 3% transfer fee for the period of low interest and 5% after that. Only Slate from Chase that is the 0 balance transfer no fee. Befor there are some who no transfer fee, but began in March 2012 to live Slate.
But it only applies 30 days after you open accounts in Slate. So, if you choose Slate, you must immediately transfer the balance. Therefore how long periode 0% interest in Slate, you need to consider.

Bill Pay On Time: This is the most important factor. You have to pay monthly bills on time. Never too late. The late payment will affects greatly on your credit score. That is about 35%.

In addition, you must pay $ 35 of late fee. You can also lose the 0% interest. It means you have to pay a higher interest rate (regular) for your balance.

Of course, you should not use this card for purchases. It will only add to your outstanding balance. It means adding to the burden of bill payment.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

How to Get Lowest Credit Card Interest Rate

All credit card holders want to obtain the lowest credit card interest rate. Because of the lowest interest will reduce the burden of bill payment. Sometimes the reduction can reach hundreds or thousands of dollars per year.

It will be a realistic if you can get a 0 percent interest. If previously you have to pay interest of about 17%, by the 0 percent interest, you will get a reduction of bill payment that is substantial.

But to get the lowest interest rate, you must have an excellent credit or 720 and more of FICO score. If your current credit score is low, you should raise your credit rating before applying for the lowest interest rate credit cards.

 Two Ways to Get Lowest Credit Card Interest Rate

There are two ways to get lowest interest rates. First, you ask the credit card issuer to lower your interest rate for balance. For example of interest of 17% to 15%. You can tell them some reason you feel like the interest is too high for you and you want to require to be lowered.

Or you get an offer of a credit card with lower interest rates. Meanwhile, you still have to pay high interest rates. You can contact or call the bank to ask for reduced rates. Usually, you do not call just once, but it is worth many times to contact the bank. You should never give up.

If you are a good customer and have long been a customer, your request will normally be considered or granted.

The second is to apply for new 0 APR (annual percentage rate) credit card. Many credit card issuers offer cards with 0% interest. You only need to select the best and most profitable card for you.

But you must make sure that you have an excellent credit. Without a good credit, your application will be rejected. If you managed to get a credit card, you only pay the principal debt. You do not have to pay interest. However, this card is for limited time such as 6 months, 12 months, etc.

If your debt is substantial, would need a special trick-trick so you can pay off all your debts in a very cheap, which has tthe lowest credit card interest rate.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Debt Interest Calculated Every Day

This is other way to save a lot money such as you use the low interest credit cards. You can save if you pay monthly bill two or three times a month, not one time.

Why? Because your credit debt interest calculated every day. Not every month or every year. Although you receive a bill per month. Meanwhile, the interest rate calculation use the annual interest rate or annual percentage rate (APR).

Therefore, there is a suggestion that you should pay your bills two or three times a month. It has a different effect compare paying once a month. Although the amount to pay the bill is the same.

For example, each month you pay the bill $ 150. But if you paid the amount three times a month, its effect on reducing the balance is different. Reduction of your debt balance is more rapidly compared to paying bills once a month, although using the same amount.
Why is that? Because the interest rate calculation is daily. Not once a month. When you pay bill $50 on May 5, your balance is reduced directly. For example, your balance is $ 500. It will be reduced by payment of $ 50.

For the next payment, the interest is calculated from the balance of $ 450, instead of $ 500. When you pay a bill $ 50 on May, 20, then your balance is reduced again. For the next bill payment, calculation of interest based on balance of $ 400 and so on.

You Can Save by Pay Bill Three Times in One Month
Well, this is what makes difference from the payment once a month and three times a month. Repayment of your balance will be faster by using three times a month compared to once a month.

Therefore, if you want to accelerate the repayment of your debt balance without increasing the amount of the payment, you can use payment three times a month. It is a smart way for saving money.

You do not increase the amount of payment. The amount is still same. But you make payment bill three times. Of course, you have to hassle a little. However, the results are very different.

Are you interested to try it?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Three Citi The Best Low Interest Credit Cards

There are many offers for getting the low interest credit cards, especially with a 0 APR (annual percentage rate). Of course, all of the offers are good and profitable. You do not have to pay interest, except to pay principal debt.

But what they offer with the low interest credit cards is not always the same. The amount of interest is the same, which is 0 percent. Meanwhile, other features are not always the same as the long of 0 interest period, annual fee, balance transfer fee, late payment fee, reward, cash back, etc..

Therefore, you need to get the best low interest credit cards. It means the most profitable credit card for you. Or credit card that suits your needs and you can maximize its use.

Need to Compare for Getting Best Low Interest Credit Cards

Of course, to get the best low credit card interest rates, you need to compare some of the cards, at least 5-6 cards. You can also visit comparison sites. But not all sites provide the same classification of the best credit card.

One of the best low interest credit cards is the Citi Simplicity Card. This card offers 0 percent balance transfers and purchases for 18 months. But more interesting is this card do not charge late fee when you are late paying monthly bill. You will not also be a penalty APR.

On the other credit cards, if you are late paying a monthly bill, you will get a penalty for paying late fees $ 35 and 0 percent interest revoked. You immediately have to pay the bills with high interest.

Aside from that, you do not have to pay an annual fee. Meanwhile, balance transfer fee is lower than most, which is 3% of your balance transferred.

Citi Diamond Preferred and Citi Platinum Select also provide the similar offers to the Citi Simplicity. They offer 0 percent interest period for18 months. Either for purchases or balance transfers. There is also no annual fee.

The interesting about these cards are the rewardoffer, including cash back. You need to search other best low interest credit cards in the Internet.